Interview on Podiomedia Chat

I have been interviewed again! This is a very long one, and I hope it’s interesting. I tend to be so long winded when I get going.

Find it at Podiomedia Chat

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16 Responses to Interview on Podiomedia Chat

  1. Victoria says:

    It a very interesting interview, especially to get a detailed look into how you experience the act of writing and your writing. Of course the way I look at your writing is very different from what you experience as an author (or story teller as you described yourself). Very good to listen to !

  2. matthew says:

    nice Interview

  3. Nate says:

    Thanks. I’m looking forward to listening to it :)

  4. Jack H says:

    This is a great interview about the writing process specifically your writing process. I found it very interesting to listen to.

  5. Nate says:

    Holy Moss-Ness .. at almost 90 megs it BETTER be interesting … downloading now

    And my apologies for my long windedness

  6. Jordan C D says:

    Boy and i thought my sister talked ;) no wait she still talks longer then nate. but there close.

  7. Nate says:

    I just listened. Thanks to Chris Moody for making me sound smarter than I am.


  8. Ken says:


    Listened to the interview and loved it. It is great hearing how you put to gether a book. I had listened to Double Share before the interview and a comment in the interview just got me to listen to the book again.

    In the inter view you said “Oh and Ismal found his farther”, I thought I might have missed something the first time I listened to the book so off I go again (Really just and excuss to listen again). But he didn’t find his farther. I take it you made a small change in production.

    Do we get to meet his father in the next book?

  9. Nate says:


    He *found* him — I didn’t say he *met* him.

    Yes. I suspect we’ll get to meet him eventually.

  10. Jack H says:

    I remember he searched for him I don’t remember him finding him….hmmm time to go listen again… 5th time is a charm :)

  11. Jordan C D says:

    I thought it was the 25th time is a charm

  12. Diane says:

    I loved the first interview. And I loved your part, Nate… but the guy interviewing you… my goodness… he didn’t even know who Pip was!!! Obviously he had only a passing acquaintance with the books. I thought he was more interested in applying your popularity to his own writing, than in sharing your writing process with us!

    Number one rule in journalism… Always be prepared. Know who you are interviewing. Know what you are interviewing about! And don’t get the names wrong! (South Shore? Sheesh)

  13. Nate says:

    It astonishes me the number of people who finish South Coast and then immediately write to me to tell me how much they liked South Shore. I don’t know why that is, but it’s been an interesting phenomenon.


  14. Jack H says:

    Umm. ok. I am confused…. Diane are you talking about the Podiomedia Chat interview?

  15. Diane says:

    The two interviews I listened to (checked my files) were the linux reality interview… which was amazing. And the podiomedia chat… which wasn’t. The questions on the mechanics of producing were well informed, but it seemed to me that each answer was followed by the interviewer having to say how HE would do it. Which was rather amaterish. The questions on the books were just sad. The interviewer obviously wasn’t a fan… I am not sure he even has listened to more than a episode or two. Names wrong, names forgotten, questions asked that were obviously answered if you listened to the books! And then the production problems. Constant heavy traffic sounds were very distracting. *HEAVY SIGH* And I so wanted to enjoy this look into Nate’s writing process. :( Perhaps the heavy disappointment is why I am so critical.

  16. Jack H says:

    Hmmm, Ok. Thanks for taking the time to answer my question.

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