Podiobooks Maintenance

If you missed the news from the Podiobooks blog earlier, they’re down for some much needed hardware upgrades tonight. They’ve been down for a bit over an hour now, but anticipate being back up in the morning. This is real, live, people with their hands in the case to help Podiobooks perform better, so your patience here will be rewarded.

Hang in there.

UPDATE: 8/5 9:50 PM EDT – They’re restoring data and rebuilding databases. They anticipate being back up later today.

UPDATE: 8/6 8:05 AM EDT – They’re back!

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5 Responses to Podiobooks Maintenance

  1. Jordan C D says:

    Why Why Why Wh… wait better hard ware. I will wait.

  2. Nate says:

    Ya .. More space and memory. I’m not exactly sure where they are in the process at the moment. When it comes back, it SHOULD be better.

    Wish them luck.

  3. danb says:

    http://www.podiobooks.com is up but podiobooks.com isn’t :)

  4. matthew says:

    you just have to put the http://www.podiobooks.com/index.php in and it will work

  5. Evo says:

    No, it should all be working now. I’m hoping that if anyone does have a problem reaching the site, they reach out to us and let us know…

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