Brave Men Run

Some of you participated in today’s Sovereign Summer Sunday event on Ustream. A few of you heard Matt Selznick read a story I created just for him, set in his Sovereign Era universe called “Mouse Mousey.”

It was a pretty exciting event with names from across the podosphere dropping in to chat, hang out, and help boost the release of Brave Men Run.

What happened today, with almost 100 people chatting, watching, and listening to Matt do live readings of the stories, boosted Brave Men Run from obscurity into the limelight — at least for one day — on As of a few minutes ago, the book was #65 on the best sellers list and #3 on the Genre Fiction for Action and Adventure. That happened because people bought the book, left reviews, ranked the title, and just generally supported the release.

It’s important because, once more, a “podcast-to-print” book has had an amazing showing on Amazon against the thousands of titles available there. By supporting Brave Men Run and Swarm Press (his publisher), we’ve helped push the model of publishing that much closer to a new way of doing business and I’m thrilled to have participated.

Matt announced that the stories will be made available in an anthology and published later this year on and that the archival recordings of his readings will be available on Ustream. Check out his site at Brave Men Run for information.

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2 Responses to Brave Men Run

  1. It’s quite an achievement! Every time this happens, podcast novels become more visible to big publishing.

  2. Thanks so much for your support today, and through writing “Mouse Mousey” (and then some.) It was an amazing day… I’m ready to put money down on QS, buddy, just name the day!

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