Collector’s Editions

Ridan has been watching your response to the announcement of getting the books in print and they’re floating the idea of putting out a special, hard cover, limited edition run. The price will be pretty high (I don’t know how high yet, but I’d guess around $30-$35) but we’re thinking something like running 100 of them and putting them up as signed, numbered, limited editions.

How many of you would want to buy one of those?

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178 Responses to Collector’s Editions

  1. Phil Mackey says:

    count me in for at least one.

  2. Aye, sar. Put me down for one, please.

  3. Harry says:

    Bip me when you have mine ready.

  4. Matt says:

    Please, mark me down for one, maybe two.

  5. Xenko says:

    I’d be in for a copy. :D

  6. Chris says:

    I’d definitely buy a collector’s edition. And probably a regular print copy.

  7. david says:

    I would also like one

  8. Mchael S. says:

    I would love a copy! A signed and numbered first edition of my favorite novel… that rather makes my day thinking about it!

  9. Jay says:

    I would definitely be up for a hardcover collectors edition!

  10. Bring it on. At this rate, I’ll be buying at least 2… one for me and one for my 11 year old who loves the first book :)

  11. It would be really cool if the hardcover included some “extras” from this website at the back, like the Spacer’s Handbook, the Dunsany Roads Sector maps, maybe a chart of the Lois, or perhaps some other goodies like that Nathan might have. Might be neat to have some of those extra bits — perhaps further entice sales of the hardcover?

    Just floatin’ a balloon, is all I’m sayin’. :-)

  12. robert says:

    were do i line up?

  13. MARTHA COPP says:

    Me too!

  14. Craig B says:

    Another Yes. I’ll take at least 1.

  15. Kenn Mack says:

    I would take at least one, if not 2 or 3 as gifts.

  16. R Mingus says:

    Yes please. I was actually surprised that the main release was not going to be hardback, in retrospect I suppose it makes sense. But if there is a hardback edition just us diehard fans, how could any of us really say no.

  17. Guillaume says:

    I’ll get one if you ship to Switzerland !

  18. Peter says:

    I’ll definitely order one, this is one of my favorite books of all time. Shipping to Japan would be a plus but not needed.

  19. Jason Pitre says:

    Yes, however it would partially depend on a guarantee that you will release the hardcover signed editions of all of the books in the series. I am a series man and am driven mad by having a mix of hardcovers and softcovers for a given series.

  20. Jack H says:

    I’ll take three. One for me – One for son and One in a sealed plastic bag to protect it from the elements so it will be worth millions when you make the big time. ;)

  21. joshua tryon says:

    I would love to have a hardcover edition.

  22. Chris Knoblock says:

    Count me among the crown, I can hardly wait. And my co-worker who first got me into podiobooks is down for one as well. :)

  23. s cone says:

    I would love a copy!

  24. Satchia says:

    I would most definitely buy a hardcover signed copy!!!

  25. Paul Arvidson says:

    I second what Chris Rose said first up. Another to shio to the uk please.

  26. Olan says:

    I would love to have one i would pay quit a lot for a seined limited edition copy of such a epic.

  27. annoyance says:

    looks like you have a hundred covered. I would still like my name added. if it’s ok. i will give The paperback copies as gifts.

  28. Amul says:

    Just tell us where to buy the gorram things already!

  29. Olan says:

    “gorram i love it

  30. Samantha says:

    Do want.

  31. JoeA says:

    I would absolutely buy 1 and hope that there will be one of each of the Share books. What a great collection it would make.

  32. Eric Larsen says:

    Count me in for at least one.

  33. Nate says:

    I think there’ll be some – the only question is what number at this point.

    I’m counting about a hundred just on this one thread so probably at least twice that to allow for actually promoting it and such :)

    Thanks for the GREAT support here, folks. I’m blown away.

  34. dave says:

    Me too! Me too!

  35. Olan says:

    you shouldn’t be. your works are masterful. I’ve listened to it all at lest 4 times. in fact I’m listening to it at this moment.

  36. PhilN says:

    I think you passed the 100 mark a while ago, but I’d be willing to buy one.

  37. penguin_poet says:

    I’m about a third of the way through _Half Share_ and I’m totally in for a SET of hard covers.

  38. Greg says:

    Sign me up! I enjoyed Ravenwood so much I am now re-visiting the Share novels in reverse order (just finished Captain’s Share on the way in to work this morning). If I can pace myself perhaps I can finish with the hardback copy of Quarter Share… and, to dream the dream, move on to Owner’s Share?

  39. Gary Owen says:

    I’ll have one if there are any left. This is comment 90 but with some above me wanting two or three copies I believe the 100 mark has been passed.

  40. Nate says:

    Yeah. I think we’re looking at something closer to 200-250 at this point. :)

    Thanks to everybody who’s chimed in here.

  41. Ben says:

    With Nate chiming in that the limited run might be closer to 200 posting my willingness to buy one seems unnecessary… But I’m excited enough about a hard cover that I’ll chime in anyway :) Although with as much lending as I intended to do I might just have to get two!

  42. Howard says:

    I would take a hard cover one. I’m not one for hardcovers, but these are well worht the price.

  43. bear says:

    I would definitely have to place this hardcover, on my favorites shelf. Since I downloaded them I have listened to each of your books at least 20 times.

  44. Joel Cunningham says:

    I am will buy a limited edition hardback in a second. As for price, it will probably be cheaper than my textbooks.

  45. Kanein Encanto says:

    I hope I can get a job going soon, cause I’d definitly want to get my hands on one for sure.

  46. Nick says:

    Yep, I’d have one

  47. ChrisP says:

    Yep, I’d gladly put one on my shelf.

  48. Laith says:

    I would buy a hardcover. Like you really need to ask Nate… :)
    -laith (back from the deep dark)

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