Sneak Peek?

Is it a “peek” if you’re listening? Is there some other term?


Update: We have a Podiobook release date: noonish on January 10, 2011.

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74 Responses to Sneak Peek?

  1. Ignatz says:

    Omigosh! Is it really here!? I think I’m going to faint. Someone slide a grav palette under me!!

  2. Adam says:


  3. Kris says:

    Thank you VERY much for the, ahem, ‘appetizer’. I do believe i am salivating.

  4. Duncan says:

    Do you even need to ask? Thanknyou sar.

  5. Jason says:

    Loving it! Eagerly awaiting the chapters as you finish them.

  6. Quite the holiday gift there, Sar! Looking forward to the remainder! Thanks muchly!

  7. freonwheels (joe b.) says:


  8. Jill says:

    OMG!!! It is going to e the best yet!!!! I am so glad I took the next week of from work!! :)

  9. willhud says:

    Oh, I am soooo wanting this. What a wonderful Christmas tease… You naughty man.

  10. Chess Griffin says:

    Wow, thanks, Nate! I can’t wait to listen! Happy holidays to you and your family.

  11. charles says:

    loved the sneak peek, cant wait for rest wonder what ship he is getting?

  12. Morgan says:

    Woohoo!! What a great little early Christmas present. Thanks Nathan! :)

  13. Jesso says:

    Does this mean we get the whole thing soon? *hopeful puppydog eyes*

  14. Ignatz says:

    Mr. Lowell, that is a wonderful beginning. Sublime! Thank you!! :-)

  15. Mike says:

    Great start. Just finished the sneak-peak. Can’t wait for the rest.

    How about live streaming audio of the recording session ;-)

  16. matthew says:


  17. Nick says:

    An “audible appetizer” perhaps? Can’t wait to hear the rest!

  18. Carl E. says:

    Sounding awesome already. Can’t wait for the official release.

  19. MC says:

    Very good episode 1. I thought I had guessed where this story was going to go. I’ve been proved delightfully wrong. Congrats on the beginnings of another fine story.

  20. john says:

    You Bastard! Not really. As is most of the time the story went completely a diffrent way than I had thought it would. I feel like a child on chirstmas eve. Waiting to see what santa is going to leave me! Can not wait to see what else I am wrong about. But I know it will be good where ever it goes.

  21. Anonymous Steward says:

    Oh great … that’s like giving a crack-addict a “free taste” … hope your server can handle all the continuous refreshing it’ll be getting. :)

    (Still hoping for things to arc back to Brill…)

  22. jagems says:

    Why do you have to toy with us? You put out a “peek” like this and we have to wait to continue. Can’t wait to have the rest of the book out.

  23. Geoff says:

    I LIKE IT!!!!!! Thank you for that excellent Xmas present.

  24. Lars E says:

    I am so happy….its a very nice chrismas present (Pardon my bad spelling but i am norwegian).I love it wooohoo

  25. kermi3 says:

    Evil Ending….Want. More.

  26. Jeremy says:

    love the sample Sar!

  27. WNDRWolf says:

    Awesome chapter to start things off…
    Podiobooks has released a date for “Owner’s Share”

  28. Katie says:

    Please Sar can I have some more….

  29. Josh says:

    I’m kicking myself so hard that the only net access I will have until tomorrow is on my phone and the file is too big to access this way. Now I know it exists but I won’t be able to listen to it until tomorrow morning! Torture!

  30. Gary says:

    Hearing Lowell’s voice again is a joy…but a double joy is hearing him narrate the opening pages of Owner’s Share! How long we’ve waited. And from what I’ve heard…it was well worth the wait! I can’t wait for all the episodes to be posted so I can greedily absorb them over and over again!

  31. Scorp6 says:

    What???!!! A cliff hanger???!!! That is so … UN-NathanLowell.
    Wonderful, Nate!!! Thank you for the little foretaste. But now I have to wait. For the first time ever, I have to hang on for weeks for the next chapter in one of your stories. Oh, well …
    Again, thank you.

  32. Rabin Hudson says:

    What a wonderful Xmas gift! Thank you, sar! <3

  33. Robin Hudson says:

    See that?! I misspelled my own name, I was so excited!

  34. Michael S. says:

    This is shaping up, as always expected and delivered, to be a wonderful work.
    Ugh, twenty days until release though. Just enough time to whip through the series again, I feel. Anyone want to join me? :)

  35. Josh says:

    I’m way ahead of you. Just listened to Quarter Share last week and started Half Share on Friday.

  36. Kenny Parmelee says:

    Well Sar nothing like jumping out to the deep dark and hanging out for a bit!! eh? thank you so much for the teaser now if we can only wait till it is time to jump back……. going to try to not think bout it maybe the time will go faster!!!! waiting is so hard with this good of a story!!!!

  37. kevin says:

    “Peek”. Peek my rear thruster, that was a full on cliffhanger. But was it ever a good one.


    I know i am.

  38. Clark says:

    I should have waited! Now I just want more!!

  39. Jeffery says:

    Already started, lol.

  40. Ruth says:

    Ohh man, what a mess Ishmael is in now! Cannot wait to hear more!

  41. Kenn says:

    My Dog and all her little puppies! I knew it was going to end right there and i hated it every moment but listened to it thrice. Supper Excited for the 10th. You are awsome Nate!

  42. Seamus says:

    WOOOOOOO!!! Omaigod, I can’t believe it! I’ve been waiting so long, I’m wicked pumped. Thank you Nathan, for working so hard, and putting out so much awesome work. I can’t wait for this to be finished!

  43. Joe says:

    Very, very interesting. At least as good as any of the preceding releases!

  44. Meason says:

    Woo Hoo – Happy Dance Commence !
    Thank you for ALL you DO!!!!!

  45. John M says:

    Wow, can’t wait for the rest. Great as always. Will have to listen to the others to kill the time.

  46. Elizabeth says:

    Oh wow! I can’t believe how fast I want the holidays to be over, and January 10 to be here! Oh wait, this gives me a chance to listen to the first five books for the umpteenth time. I can time it to be done right on target for the Owner’s Share release. Excellent!

  47. Thomas says:

    … so this is how it is to be an addict.. sheesh im shaking..

  48. Martin Havrilak says:

    Thank you .Thank you. Thank you .!!! I was beginning to feel like scrooge this christmas ,and I (we) received the most unexpected and pleasant gift. Thank you, Santa Nathan.

  49. Jamming says:

    I almost cried. I am not sure if it was enjoyment, sadness, or hope. Maybe it was all three emotions that effected my mood. I am just glad it is near and I think we are in intresting times for this sixth part of the story collection. Thanks for making my life a little more enjoyable at this time of year.

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