Owner’s Share

Yes, the new book is coming together nicely.

Owner’s Share, the final book in the Trader’s Tales, should be out in audio later this month. I’m about 50k words in and the story is taking a shape that I hadn’t anticipated (no surprise there for those who know me) but I’m enjoying the heck out of writing it.

I was hoping to have it completely done by the end of August, but July had too many interruptions and I wasn’t able to do as much then as I had hoped. August is coming along nicely, tho, and the “full time author” thing is beginning to take shape for me as I work to regularize my production.

Thanks for all your support and watch for more news in the coming weeks.

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38 Responses to Owner’s Share

  1. Amy says:

    Woot! Looking forward to hearing Owner’s Share!

  2. Michael S says:

    Yay! Good luck with the rest of the writing; we eagerly await!

  3. Bryan says:

    Really looking forward to it. I’m trying to avoid pre-conceived ideas of my own about the direction the story will take.

  4. Scott H says:

    Oh Sar, you just made my day:)

  5. Xenko says:

    Can’t wait!

  6. Ignatz says:

    To quote Maynard G. Krebs: “Oh, for Joy! For Joy!” There are so many interesting loose threads, characters and situations left to explore from where “Captain’s Share” left off… which suggest any number of intriguing scenarios and plot twists. Whichever way the story goes I’m sure it will be your usual stellar effort, Mr. Lowell. As for me: waiting for “Owner’s Share” to arrive is going to be a study in joyful but impatient anticipation!

  7. Latz says:

    I hope it has a happy end. I hate books with a sad ending.

  8. Stephen K says:

    Oh, it’s my birthday already? :p

  9. Lori W says:

    Waah! I need my solar clipper crack and it isn’t out yet! We’re already on our third run through the rest of the series.

  10. toby says:

    this reminds me of the feelings of anticipation i would get when i discovered piers anthonys incarnations series and had to wait for the next title to be born. so anxious to read(now hear) but not wanting to go back to waiting again when i am through. keep up the great work!

  11. jamesJames h says:

    Since its the last book make it really long please,i seem to gobble up your writing.thank you Mr. Lowell for life changing, well maybe more like indepth look into who i chould be on earth with ishes help.

  12. Nate says:

    Just under 80k and about half way I think.

    I’m a notoriously bad judge of this, tho, so who knows.

    Remember this is just first draft and I’m cranking out 10,000 words a day so i’m pretty sure some of it’s not deathless prose :)

  13. Josh says:

    I can’t wait. I started my way listening through them all again last week in order to refresh my memory. I’ve got two episodes of Double Share left and then just Captain’s Share to go. Doesn’t look like I timed it quite right to pick up Owner’s Share just as Captain’s is ending. Oh well.

  14. John says:

    I love the series so far! great work keep it up! Just please don’t torture your main character like you did in captain’s share. So many authors think it adds something dynamic to the story if the character tortured horribly some way. That it will bring more readers, but it just makes me not want to read anymore…and I was so close to stopping at that point. The success of the series didn’t rely on anything like it before, so why start? ugh. I’m hanging on for now. Thanks.

  15. Nate says:

    He’s always been haunted. Captain’s Share is really where it comes to a head. In Owner’s Share, it gets resolved (I hope) :)

    Thanks for hanging in.

  16. Josh says:

    I kind of like that Ish was tortured some in Captain’s Share. It made him more human. He’s always had a bit of “nothing can touch me, wonder boy” going on, which was a touch on the unbeliavable side. For a everyday life hero, there has to be trouble that actually seems to get to him.

  17. Elizabeth says:

    I am so looking forward to Owner’s Share! No idea if loose ends will be tied up or not. I trust the story will go whereever it needs to go. Still, I can’t help but wonder if ships ever started composting their waste, or why Freddie wasn’t ordering cargo when she was the TInker’s cargo chief, or what happened to some of those wonderful spacer contacts Ish made in earlier books (Did he stay in touch with anyone?), or how things turned out with Stacy. We rarely know all the details in real life though. No doubt Nate will tell us all we need to know. And then Overton and Cape Grace? Be still my heart!

    PS. Personally, I’m ok with Ish being tortured in Captain’s Share. We all go through tough times at one point or another. The whole series actually started with a very painful event. At that time, though, Ish had to move forward quickly. Perhaps by the time we get to Captain’s Share, though, we know him a bit better and get to see inside a little deeper.

  18. Gloria says:

    Dr. Lowell, I found Captain’s Share and quickly devoured it! I can’t wait for this latest one! I am sad to hear it’s the end. I have come to admire Ish and look forward to his adventures. I like to read the whole book and not wait for each segment… Hurry, por favor!!!!!:-) BTW you have made me a fan of podio books!

  19. Geoff says:

    waiting eagerly for owners share. working my way through all of the others again in preparation.

  20. Jamey says:

    This is wonderful news! There is so much potential for stories in the Trader’s Universe – perhaps stories that highlight station life, or the interactions between station crews and ship crews. I also have to wonder if there isn’t some growing apart of societies – ship crews, company planet inhabitants, and Confed planet inhabitants. In fact, we know almost nothing of the Confederation itself, except as a source of laws and regulations. I hope, once you’ve finished the Trader’s Tales, and the Shaman’s Tales, that inspiration will strike to bring us more of this universe – though I’m waiting for more of Lammas Wood as well.

    I think the thing I like most is how little violence really has to do with the story. Sure, Pip gets mugged, the Tinker’s problems end up resulting in low-level violence, and 2nd Mate Pall gets mugged as well, but there really isn’t any of the huge kabooms that would require an insane special effects budget to film! By far, the most expensive effects-wise scene to film occurs in Full Share, with the EMP Catastrophe, and that’s not *THAT* bad.

    Seriously – can’t wait!

  21. Dan says:

    This is Wonderful news I downloaded the Crown Conspiracy Last week for a 12 hour drive up to Oregon from Central California and was pleasantly surprised to hear your voice and it brought back such wonderful memories of life on the Solar Clipper. I thought there wasn’t going to be an Owner’s Share and Now I can’t wait. Thank You Nathan you are an Amazing writer and a wonderful reader.

    Is there anything else you have read out there? You do such a great job and your voice is oddly comforting.

  22. Nate says:

    Thanks, Dan.

    I really need to make a “voice list” … after I get done with Owner’s Share.

    Avempartha will be coming after I get Owner’s Share done and there’s Ravenwood, if you haven’t heard that one yet. :)


  23. T.Rapp says:

    I have gone through all of the books – from Half Share up in order and I have to send my heartfelt thanks! I stumbled upon Half Share in preparation for a trip to Georgia – and needless to say after listening I was left craving more to find what would become of Ishmael in his endeavors! It has been an outstanding trip through the Deep Dark with him and the various mates/crewmen. Nate, you have the perfect voice for the books, and over the course of time you became Ishmael, and it was an easy listen as I sit on the patio with a beer staring into the Deep Dark above. I thank you for allowing us to join your merry band of castoff and though I am sad to have finished the series with Ishmael at the helm, I cannot wait to find what Owner’s Share has in store! If there was a series of books that I wish could be ongoing, this would be the one. Growing up, I was an avid reader of Andre Norton, and while it has been ages since I have thumbed her books, it brought back many memories for me of characters that I could relate to personally, whether I shared similar feelings or experiences or that I could equate to people that I served with in the military, and for me this series did exactly that…. Thank you again, it has been a truly fantastic journey.

  24. Dan says:

    You’re so welcome Nate and T.Rapp says my feelings exactly as well. I have listened to Everything you have written and I love it all. I was just telling my girlfriend last week how excited I was to hear your voice in A Crown Affair and how sad I was that there wasn’t an Owner’s Share. Its a shame that it will have to end there but all good things must come to an end someday I guess.

    I must say I really do appreciate all the hard work you and other Podcasting novelists like Sigler, Harwood, and Mike Bennett put into your work. The direct communications you all have with your fans is awesome. Its funny but I felt so honored when my posts were acknowledged because I had never had a direct communication with an Author before. Its so cool and I think I can speak for everyone when I say it really makes us feel appreciated as well.

    Thanks again for all the adventures so far and I can’t wait to continue on to where ever you decide to take us next.

  25. Liz says:

    I love, love, love this series and so pleased to hear that Captain’s Share wasn’t the end of the line. I found Quarter Share on Kindle the other day and promptly bought it, even though I have all of your audiobooks. I enjoy seeing how my favourite books subtly change as they need to be revised for reading silently (instead of being read aloud). That being said, I really do love your voice.

  26. Eli says:

    Hey there, I just wanted to tell you that I discovered Quarter share on the kindle a little over a month ago and fell in love. It was one of the best science fiction books I have ever read. I was sad when it was over because none of the other books were on the kindle, but then I discovered that the whole series was available in audio format. I listened to the whole series in about 2 weeks. Between that and work I haven’t slept much in the past few weeks. Anyway, my point is that I am a huge fan and am hoping to finish owner’s share before I ship out to basic training on the 21st, because I can’t wait 8 weeks to find out how the story of Ishmael ends. Will the whole book be out by then? Thanks again for giving a solid 3 weeks of entertainment!!!!

  27. Nate says:

    The 21st of September? It should be.

    Of course that’s based on the assumption that I’ll actually finish writing the thing by then.

  28. My wife and I just finished listening to Captain’s Share last night (again, of course) after listening through the entire series of books for the *mumble*th time, so now we’re really, really, really ready for Owner’s Share. :-) If your delta between August 9th and August 11th is anything to go by, either you’ll be ready soon or it’s going to be really, really long (I could be happy waiting if it’ll be long! =) or needs more editing than usual (for you). We haven’t quite started withdrawal and bouncing off the walls and the like, but we’re both very glad indeed that there’s the prospect of more awesome Nathan Lowell around the corner! If you could just keep putting out solar clipper stories, maybe one every month or so, indefinitely? ;)

  29. jim bob says:

    it puts the Owners Share on the webs, or it gets the hose again

  30. Nate says:

    I’m typing as fast as I can :)

  31. *chuckle*

    Take as much time as you need. :) I’d rather you have the time to make it your usual level of awesome than have us all push you into rushing it out before you’re ready. =) That said, soon would be awesome. ;-)

  32. Josh says:

    What Stephen Jacob said.

  33. Scott says:

    For those that need a Nate voice fix! While waiting of Owner’s Share to start. Try the H. Beam Piper’s “Time Crime”. I downloaded it because I’m a Piper fan and found the Nate was the voice!! Nate, how about the Little Fuzzy” series for your LONG list of things to do?

  34. Digamma says:

    I am re listening to Captain’s share in preparation for Owners share.

  35. Rob says:

    I just finished refreshing myself on Captain’s Share. I’m prepped and ready to go! Thanks for the great work, Nate!

  36. Zeus says:

    Is it just me or do you find that if you listen to one book to refresh your memory it’s then impossible to escape from reading all the following books? I started on Quarter Share yesterday… now I’m just about to start Full Share today. :)

  37. Zeus – When it comes to The Golden Age of the Solar Clipper? Heck yes! :D Most other books, much less so. :) I think we’ve listened through the whole series 3 or 4 times. Nathan’s announcement of Owner’s Share being delayed means we’ve started re-listening to South Coast again to bridge the gap.

  38. Lucie Le Blanc says:

    Nathan, congratulations for your new shiny Parsec Award for Owner’s Share ! I was so glad to be present for this event ! Thank you , sar, and now you will maybe believe that you are THAT good !

    Kisses and hugs, Lulu

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