Owner’s Share: Episode 24

I’m not ignoring you in the comment threads. I’m just trying to get these things done…

Thank you to everybody who’s been so generous to me and to podiobooks. Remember that you can also help us with reviews and ratings on iTunes (eh, may wanna wait until the host gets back) and Amazon.

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74 Responses to Owner’s Share: Episode 24

  1. BigMac says:

    you little beauty ;-)

  2. Nate says:

    Holy moses!

    That didn’t take long…

  3. BigMac says:

    addict much ^^ you put out good product sar :-0

  4. Dan says:

    This one snuck up on me! Good thing I check like an addict. Now to not work at work and feed the addiction… Hmm, I’ll just call it an early lunch. Thanks Nate and keep up the great work!

  5. Osman says:

    what a pleasant surprise. Very anxious to get to listening, though also feeling a bit sad that it means we’re one episode closer to the end!

  6. Tom Pencek says:

    Holy Cats Batman, another episode is ready! Cancel my appointments, put out the closed for lunch sign. Thank you Nate!!

  7. jeffrey says:

    totally awesome and addicting

  8. Cloudbusting Dad says:

    Woo hoo, another episode since I checked this morning. No more work for me today. Thanks very much sar.

  9. Mike Scott says:

    You are a podcast producing machine! Thanks Nathan!

  10. Jamming says:

    Thanks Boss!

  11. Lars E says:

    wow i am not sure what to say except the same thing as Tom Pencek over there.Not expecting anyone tonight so tonight its all about enjoying the episode.Sad to think about its so close to the end though but i keep hoping you will write more stories about Ish….maybe not any share books but some other stories.Wouldnt it be nice if he got to see all his old friends again?maybe to visit maxvell on the nursing home or to see Pip again?would love that.

  12. Connie says:

    Just finished listening to this one…will keep checking back for the next episode.

  13. John H says:

    Good thing I live in a small town. I just hang out the gone fishing sign and start listening. I was late to this, I found Quarter Share when it first hit Amazon Kindle. I did a search for more and found Podiobooks. I have been hooked ever since. Thanks for the great work Nate. It is hard to keep us Vultures feed.

  14. Leslie hudson says:

    Thanks Nathan, I’ve been home sick for the last 4 days and Ishmael & Co. have been keeping me company. I love your books. Again Thanks so much!

  15. BookerJ says:

    HA! glad i listened to this during the day, and not right before bed! Maybe I’ll get sleep :P you stinker.

  16. christian says:

    Thanks Nate! Having to wait for the next episode is sweet torment :=) – and got me to re-listen to the other Share books to ease the waiting. Can’t wait to get my hands on the books. Like most of your faithful listeners I will always hear your voice inside my head when I’m reading them.
    Thanks again for the great stories, the relaxing pace, the great voicework and the fact that you have been giving this to us for free!

  17. Howard says:


    At least I have the earlier episodes to listen to even if I have to wait to get the latest :)

  18. Jake says:

    Man, when I thought I could not wait to episode 24 now I can’t wait for the next one!
    Nate, thanks and I hope you post another one before sunday or something or just when podiobooks come back on for a little “Test Run”, to see if it can hold it.

  19. Mitz says:

    Thank you for all the great books you have been writing and narrated as podiobooks. I prefer not to buy hard copies but have made a small contribution both to you and podiobooks.com to support these amazing books of yours.

  20. Duncan Hilchie says:

    Nate-I might have missed it but what was Ish’s troublesome passenger borderline? And then there were six…

  21. Lars E says:

    hmm well atleast Podibooks got tested really good so this wont happen again when nate’s next (i hope) book gets out or for other writers :P

  22. Louise says:

    Thank you so much Nate you’re a diamond ! :)

  23. Memline says:

    @Duncan; I am guessing he is a borderline schizophrenic or bipolar -maintained on meds which usually have to be monitored. Bipolar folks often decide they are “fine” and stop taking the medicines, whereupon they deteriorate, usually fairly rapidly. They don’t see it in themselves. Bad diagnosis.

    I am waiting for Kurt to show up. Sounds more and more like Kurt and Greta both are needed here for more reasons than one. Nate said we would meet Kurt again. I liked him.

  24. Memline says:

    @Duncan; I am guessing Malcolm is a borderline schizophrenic or bipolar -maintained on meds which usually have to be monitored. Bipolar folks often decide they are “fine” and stop taking the medicines, whereupon they deteriorate, usually fairly rapidly. They don’t see it in themselves. Bad diagnosis.

    I am waiting for Kurt to show up. Sounds more and more like Kurt and Greta both are needed here for more reasons than one. Nate said we would meet Kurt again. I liked him. PS Mr Maxwell would make a super bodyguard, wouldn’t he?

  25. tord says:

    I have 3000 pages of maritime archaeology that shoud be read. Instead I am sitting here watching VLCs visualization, a mug (yes, mug) of espresso in my hand and a silly smile on my face as I listen to the latest episode. Having worked navy, costal liner and contractor-vessel, it tends to hold many familiar aspects.

  26. Roz says:

    @Duncan & @Memline – suggest you follow Nate’s link to BPD (the problem shown by the problem passenger). Best thought of as being a chronically unpleasant person – who can be helped but often declines treatment-rather than psychotic. Nate’s captured the syndrome well!
    I’m more concerned about Gramps. He’s transmogrified from irascible ol’ timer with a bangin’ rich vocabulary to a man with idiosyncratic speech (and no “swearing”), mostly absent and (possibly?) incompetent shambles.
    Either he’s unwell (alzheimer’s?) or under intolerable pressure and stressed-out/ depressed. Or??
    Thanks again Nate for a timely “fix” – I’ll sleep tonight without waking hourly to see if ther has been an update (probably….). This could make great TV!

  27. Michael McCarthy says:

    Borderline personality disorder? When I was a kid, we just called them a**holes!

  28. Rick C says:

    ****Spoiler alert for EP 24*****
    Trying to decide if the Chief is engaging in deliberate sabotage or is just past it. Love they way Nate is not only building the suspense about the note coming due by taking Ms. M out of the running as an angel investor but also another nod as to who the bad guy is. Of course their is an entire school of potential scarlet coulored Clupea pallasii swimming around in the tale.

  29. Art says:

    Pacific Herring are normally blue to olive.

  30. Duncan Hilchie says:

    Thanks for the link, that is what I get for trying to work and listen to Owners Share at the same time.

  31. Shawn says:

    More likely Narcissistic personality disorder.
    Or a cock up on whatever cocktail he’s on or coming off of. Neither Bipolar nor Schizo effective present in such aggressive sexual behavior.

  32. Nate says:

    You’re right, Shawn. He’s not JUST borderline … he’s got a whole metric buttload of other problems. We’ll meet him again so save the diagnoses for now :D

  33. Rick C says:

    @Art Not after Nate gets done with his literary paintbrush. Plus, I figured Nate would be working with Pacific herring.

  34. Osman says:

    @Shawn, patients don’t always read the textbooks before presenting symptoms, so it’s not unheard of to find an atypical presentation, or multifactorial problems. I’m assuming that the working diagnosis of “Borderline” came from imbalances detected by the autodoc and not an evaluation from a psychiatrist. Basically, I think it’s just sufficient to say that he had psychological issues. For the purposes of the story, the crew doesn’t need to know his exact diagnosis at that point in time.

  35. James says:

    Ms Maloney recognized the autodoc readouts since her mother was bipolar. No diagnosis there. as for Chief, I have a suspicion that things will work out. It seems Uncle Nate’s bedtime stories always end up with everybody living happily ever after… very positive for the lost part. (remembering a scene in the flick ‘Never on a Sunday’ where every greek tragedy was ended with ‘and they all went to the seashore’. Obscure to be sure, but I hear that phrase in my mind at the end of each episode. Uncle Nate is saving us kiddies from nightmares)
    Be careful Nate. Dont work yourself hoarse narrating too much, too fast. As great as your written works are, your charming voice is a treat indeed.

  36. Memline says:

    actually, I like Michael’s diagnosis. a–hole fits perfectly. Why is everything a dx anyway. Some people are just, well, not nice. I am getting a real dislike for Chief Bailey. He is oh so not nice.

  37. GaryS. says:

    Was the “Borderline” passenger a plant to disrupt the ship? Or is he going to show up in the tabloids saying bad things about our Captain and his crew. About how he was mistreated and assaulted during his trip? Or will he attack one of the crew while they are ashore? Or will he turn out to be some high up mucky -muck who will cause Ish problems in other ways?

    Stay tuned –
    Same Bat Time
    Same Bat Channel

  38. Joe Johnson says:

    Once upon a time quite recently I stumbled across a book on Amazon.com that I had never seen before by an author I had never heard of. That book was Quarter Share by a guy named Nathan Lowell. As you have said several times in several books since that one, the rest is history. Now I’m hooked and addicted just like everybody else. I putter about until I get bored of looking at my own words on the page then I escape to the world of the Solar Clipper for a bit and let my twisted mind unwind with the pleasure of following Ish and the bunch aboard what ever Solar Clipper Ish is on at the time.

    Very few authors capture me enough that I read, or listen to, all of their books. Congratulations you have joined that club. Thanks for the hours of listening.

  39. Jamming says:

    I think the Chief is caught between DST’s Jarvis and being loyal to Miss Malone(y). This is degrading his ability to be the person he wants to be and degrading his overall ability. With the additional problem of no longer being happy as an Engineer aboard ship. I think the Chief is nearing his mandatory replacement time.

    About the disorders and other behavioral sciences, this is a work of fiction and the author decides. Making light of the situation is not helpful to those of us with things like PTSD and other issues. It also may delay people seeking treatment and society will have more problems from that. This is informational and not a placement of blame on anyone in particular.

  40. Dana says:

    Ahem … My name is Dana, and I’m am addict. My world shifted when I couldn’t get my fix. Thank you Nate for sharing your stories and your gifted voice with us! It’s a lot of work, but I know your investment will pay off. Kudos.

    Lots of speculation going on in here. I have to (can’t stop myself) throw this out: Is old man Maloney really dead? He does seem to get up to all types of little games and he died under such strange circumstances.

  41. GaryS. says:

    Or maybe our rude passenger will be released from Med Care and when once again rational goes to the ship to apologize for his behavior and offer Ish a huge corporate deal, thus solving all of Ish’s money troubles.

  42. Drew says:

    looks like we are trying a dardist to crash Nates site now people need to calm down. he does have a forum and a twitter acc. we all love him but lets not smother him.

  43. Memline says:

    @Jamming–Being in the medical profession (ret.), I am well aware of real dx such as PTSD and some of the others mentioned above. They are horrible to deal with and those poor folks need all the help they can get. The problem is, overuse of some dx leads to less help (ie resources, money, etc) for the truly needy ones. I have seen this in schools with ADHD and ADD. There are some definite marginal diagnoses. In the meantime, Malcolm is an a–hole of the first water, whatever his diagnosis is and, as you said, this is a work of fiction so we are treating it as a work of fiction.

  44. Jamming says:

    @ Memline – Oh, I agree he is an A_ _hole at that time, No argument there. Your analysis of the overuse of diagnosis is congruent with my experience. Like I said this wasn’t aimed at anyone really just a reminder that sometimes are fictional arguments have unforeseen effects on people’s perceptions. If you felt that this was aimed at anything you said I assure you it wasn’t, I apologize if you thought that.

  45. Anonymous Steward says:

    *** BUG ***
    I have the unfortunate position of having located a bug in this episode. At approximately 25:16-17, the wrong character name seems to be used in conversation. Talking to Miss Maloney, Ish refers to Miss Maloney in the third person, so I think it’s meant to be Miss Arellone. The context seems to make it unlikely that it’s a cover-name joke.

    Otherwise, the only flaws in this episode are that it’s too damn close to the end. Seriously, why end the series with this book? At this point, there’s definitely still room for growth/adventures.

  46. Rich says:

    Thanks for Episode 24 ans well as the temporary solution to the Podiobooks disaster…. I hate being addicted and I credit you with sufficient compassion to alleviating the pain. As a rapidly rising Colorado Hero, you are already held in great esteem (in my book) and I have visions of you being included as an icon when we talk of other magnificant Colorado spawn like: The Great Divide, The Galloping Goose, Black Bear Road, Alferd Packer, and CW McCall…. You can’t cross it, ride it, drive it, eat it, sing about it, and now you can read it. :-)

  47. Nate says:

    I try to be respectful of medical conditions. Working in the the severe and sensory disabilities field helped sensitize me enough to know I don’t know enough to do very well but I can at least be careful. Malcolm Dubois is BPD and off his meds. Neither bipolar not schizophrenic, but certainly depressed and seriously conflicted.

    You’ll see him — or rather his influence — again shortly. It shouldn’t take a degree in field fluid dynamics to figure out where and how. :)

  48. Justin says:

    Dana I would have to agree with you. I think old man Maloney has set this up from the start.

  49. Jesso says:

    What does it say about me that half the reason I finally broke down and got a bigger MicroSD card for my phone was so I could download new Share episodes the moment they are released?

    I mean, at lest it was only HALF the reason, right?

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