Happy Holidays

On Tuesday, Evo Terra contacted me about a scheduling mix up with Podiobooks releases and offered the opportunity to give all of my fans a bit of an early Christmas present. I’ve been recording like mad and teasing everybody with how many episodes I’ve gotten done ever since.

The title went live last night with five episodes, almost three hours worth of holiday cheer. It’ll be up on iTunes as soon as the feed clears Apple approval. I’ll get it added to my master feed as soon as I remember how to do it.

I wish you all a happy holiday season and safe and prosperous new year.


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200 Responses to Happy Holidays

  1. Lars E says:

    *sigh* you are the devil arnt you? (just kidding) keep teasing us this way?now i know how it is to be an addict for sure.cant wait for the rest of the story.You are now official one of my favorit writers and i am pretty picky about that :D
    great work and happy new year

  2. Michael S says:

    When I first discovered the Share series, right after the posting of Full Share, I eagerly devoured each episode, often arguing with myself that sleep wasn’t as important as hearing the next segment. The next segment, as a rule, won out. These books truly are fantastic, and it seems the sleep-deprived cycle continues. Guess who listened to the latest two episodes at 1:45 and 2:30 A.M. respectively?

  3. Tumbleweed says:

    Episode 8 – awesome! I’m guessing it’ll be something with either ‘Whelkie’ or ‘Dolphin’ for the company title. Or something coffee-related.

    Coffee-Swilling Dolphin Whelkie Transport, Ltd.! :)

    The Caffeinated Dolphin would be a great ship name, too.

  4. B-squared says:

    Nate, I loved how you dropped a physical description of Ishmael into episode 7. It’s good to picture him as being the handsome follicly challenged type like us.

  5. Christian says:

    Nate, thank you so very much for releasing the first episodes! It is a great pleasure to visit your universe again. This is a heck of a christmas present! Best wishes for the next year – may you always sail safe!

  6. Simon says:

    The great news is it’s just appeared on iTunes. Can’t wait to go back to work now – so I’ll have the long commute to listen to Owner’s Share in peace.

  7. Lawyerjohnb says:

    Well now you’ve gone and done it Ollie…I mean Nate…the Podiobooks website was down today when I went to scarf up episodes 7&8. When I went to iTunes, it was down as well, at least as to the ability to download Owner’s Share.
    Well done! That means you have a large , dedicated, group of Ish addicts out there trying desperately to get the next episodes of Owner’s Share that you record.
    I think you really do have a Whelke in your pocket.
    The writing Gods are pleased with you. As are your readers.
    Are you sure you do not want to write “Committeeman’s Share” as volume 7? Ah, it is devoutly to be wished.

  8. Michael S. says:

    SPOILER ALERT – don’t read if you haven’t listend to Episode 8!

    Nate, perhaps its just a small galexy, but Kingsley’s bodyguard has the last name of Alverez, yet Ish didn’t even mention anything upon hearing her name. Is the bodyguard perhaps a relative of Alicia Alverez from Half Share?

  9. Duncan Hilchie says:

    SPOILER ALERT- don’t read if you have not listened to Episode 8!!!!!

    Ish isn’t going to name the company Icarus’ is he? That would just invite trouble. :p

    waiting with bated breath.

  10. Tumbleweed says:

    “Call me … for all your interstellar shipping needs! I’m Ishmael Wong. Some years ago — never mind how long precisely — having little or no money in my purse, I signed the Articles and began the live of a trader. I liked interstellar shipping so much, I formed my own company!”

    “When it absolutely HAS to be there next week, use Whelkie Transport!”

  11. Lars E says:

    Figure that people have been listening to episode 8 by now if they are addicted enough :P
    Dont think he will name his company after some coffee but i may be wrong….pretty sure (may be wrong again) that his name will be in it some how.IHW lmtd perhaps?

  12. Josh says:

    “Ish isn’t going to name the company Icarus’ is he? That would just invite trouble. :p”

    You mean like captaining a ship named Agememnon? Or considering buying a ship named Jezebel?

  13. Nate says:

    Dolphin Lines?
    Moby Freight?
    Hornblower Containers?

    all are possible.

  14. Dave says:

    Nate – you tease your fans… whip them up into a tizzy… and then totally surprise. Keep up the GREAT work.
    Ep09? soon? (getting the shakes!)

  15. Tumbleweed says:

    I think if he’s going with a fast packet, something like Dolphin Lines would be appropriate, due to the way they move. They’re also very nimble, and Ish sure seems to be able to adapt to any situation pretty quickly.

  16. GaryS. says:

    I’m going with Phoenix Freight. Out of the ashes of an old life and into a new one. Due to the death of a ship full of people Ish has the chance for a new life.

  17. Dave says:

    Dolphin Lines may be too… obvious. Nate likes to come out of left field, surprise and delight, and leave us with a grin… We shall see… Ep09? Please?

  18. MC says:

    I thought it would be something to do with a phoenix…

  19. Michael McCarthy says:

    Does Ish have a sense of humor or self-deprecation? Why not “Crash & Burn Transport” (but I’d spell it like it was two partner’s names: Krash & Byrne)?

    All this talk and no one has asked about Ish’s father. Weren’t we promised a revealing? I thought I had it nailed when CS came out and had picked Curt as the culprit, but when I recently went back and listened to all the books in order and I heard Ish’s father named. It wasn’t Curt, although he could have changed it.

    I thought we were supposed to have met his father already, whether we knew it or not. Maybe it’s Jeff Maloney and when Ish begins to fall for Christine we’ll have a Luke Skywalker/Princess Leia thing going on….but I don’t really believe that.

    Anyone else have a guess?

  20. Tumbleweed says:

    The life’s blood of any ship is coffee. How about The Java Trading Company?

  21. Meason says:

    on the edge of my seat!!!!!!!!!

  22. Ignatz says:

    Best wishes for the year to come, Mr. Lowell. Thank you so much for sharing your fine writing skills and narration with us. :)

  23. Harry says:

    Happy New Year!

    Ishes Shippage
    IHW Transport

  24. F Riley says:

    We’re at chapter 18 and Ish still doesn’t own a ship. I hope there isn’t another 18 chapters just buying the damn thing. Enough with the back story, let’s get into the meat. I wanna see Ish working his new ship, not buying it!

  25. Nate says:

    We’re not quite 1/3rd of the way in.

    I think he has a little more struggling to do…but it’s coming :)

  26. Michael S. says:

    Speaking of names, this has been bothering me. Nate, is Ish’s mom ever named?

  27. Nate says:

    Not as such, no. Although you might be able to figure out what it is by the end of Owner’s Share.

  28. Hade says:

    @McCarthy: My theory has always been that Ish’s dad is Frank, the man who makes Ish’s favorite breakfast at over-easy. Maybe he’ll come out of the woodwork when Ish officially becomes a millionaire. That would be kind of low, but then again, I think it’s also kind of low to have a child and then move across the universe when you and his mom stop getting along. So it might not be entirely out of character.

  29. Nate says:

    It was actually the other way around.

    Mom and kid left Dad, moving halfway across the Western Annex.

  30. Hade says:

    @Nate: I stand corrected. Obviously, I need to do a full re-listen of the series ASAP. Memories are starting to fade.

  31. Memline says:

    Phoenix Trading & Transport is my guess. He needs a good engineer. Where is Chief Gearhart. As an aside, what color are Ish’s eyes? It has never been mentioned, but Nate focuses on the eyes of his other characters. Has anyone noticed this? I am guessing black (dark, dark brown) or medium brown, but am basing that only on the name Wong and possible genetic background.

  32. I’ve just started listening to your stories on Podiobooks. Many, many thanks for sharing your substantial talents. And, good luck with the full-time writing endeavor. I look forward to hearing and reading more!

  33. Alexander says:

    First of all Nate, I love the Share Books it is a sparkling example of character driven space opera. I thought that Ishmael asked Mallony for a recommendation to a tailor a few books back, so why is he having such trouble finding one now? The only other between book confusion I’ve had is between Full and Double Shares. I thought that Von Icles recommended Ish pass spec one in systems, but when they talk about his jacket in beginning of Double share.

    Look forward to listening the rest of Owner’s Share!!

  34. Megan says:

    ok, I have to admit that the ship Ephemeral caught my attention. It’s from DUNSANY ROADS? That CAN’T be a coincidence…It could have been from ANYWHERE but you, Nate, chose to make it from Ish’s old stomping grounds? Yeah…WHO is on that ship? Brill? (so I really loved her, and I always wished Ish would find her again :X). Pip? Bev? Who is still in Dunsany besides Brill who last we heard, granted something like 20 years ago now in the story, works for Federated Freight? >.< Just finished ep. 6. can't wait for the rest!

  35. Mary T. says:

    Wiggling like a fish on the hook here. Ten episodes in, two female leads haven’t made an appearance yet, and we still don’t know the new company name. More please?

  36. Hade says:

    @Mary T.: At this point, it’s starting to look to me like the hope squished in the first chapter will remain squished. Ish is going to sail with ‘gramps’ and that’ll be the end of it. On the other hand, hints are constantly being dropped that the people surrounding Ish have a different understanding of where he stands with Gretta than the man himself does. So we’ll see.

    On a decidedly positive note, I think we’ve reached the turning point now. I say they’re out in the deep dark less than three chapters from now.

  37. Amber Eidson says:

    Love Owner’s Share so far. Am still wondering if the fast packet out of Dunsany Roads that Ish noticed in the first episode will have someone from his past. I would love to see Pip again. Also I keep thinking Ishmael’s Dad will turn up somewhere…Will we see Kurt at all and what happens to him after Mr. Maloni passed away? Looking forward to the rest of the book.

  38. Mary T. says:

    @Hade: I figure there must be at least two women currently off-stage. Maybe more. Our fearless author is great handling the different ways men and women interact. I’m staying tuned for more fun to develop. As Heinlein referenced, “Women and cats do as they please, men and dogs just have to relax and accept.”

  39. Nate says:

    @alexander – he asked but never *got* the recommendation.

    @megan et alia – the Ephemeral has Bev and her husband aboard but I think I wrote that meeting out in the second draft.

    @amber – you *will* see Kurt again.


  40. Michael says:

    Nate. For the life of me I cant remember who Kurt is. I actually have the 10th marked in my calender for this book but I keep on seeing episodes pop up on the website lol. I will say I am with Hade in the fact I do kind of feel like we will see/find out who Ish’s father is. That being said I will keep my speculating to myself.

    Oh! Kurt, the body guard?

  41. Nate says:

    Yes. Geoff Maloney’s bodyguard was named Kurt. :D

  42. norman728 says:

    WE are now a Third of the way in an Ish Has His ship.. But I blink and miss the company Name? They say He has it written down on the contract and is is ready to go. I am looking forward to see how Greta figures in Ish’s Future ( I hope it’s Soon)

  43. Ignatz says:

    I’m as far as episode ten (for about the tenth time), Mr. Lowell, and I’m very slightly confused by the reference to the nine shares in Ishmael’s new company. How do these actual shares of company stock relate to the ‘shares’ divied up amongst crew members? It doesn’t seem as if it would be a one-for-one arrangement, but rather that some portion of an owner’s share of profit would be sub-divided to provide captain and crew ‘shares’. Have I the right of this? Will it be explained further on in the story? In any case, I’m lovin’ every minute of this new book. :)

  44. Michael says:

    Ignatz – Now I could be wrong and I dont want to speak for Nate but I *think* it works like this the 9 shares of stock are owners stock. When you are talking about shares for the crew, that is talking about shares of the profit on the run. Two completely different things.

    Norman – I dont think you missed it because I dont remember it either so I am guessing we may find out what it is once he gets underway.

  45. Nate says:

    @norman – no, he hasn’t told you yet.

    @ignatz – they don’t. Michael has it correct. These are shares of company stock, not shares of cargo profit. Cargo shares are part of a crew’s pay. Company stock is how companies finance operations.

    @michael and norman – the press conference is coming up in the next episode. you’ll get the name and his rationale — along with some other stuff.

  46. Michael says:

    …… *Clicks refresh on podiobooks every few hours or so*

  47. Thomas says:

    @Michael – you did mean every few *minutes*, didn’t you?

  48. Ignatz says:

    Thank you for that answer, Mr. Lowell. However, it begs the question, “How then are the cargo profits divided?” In other words, what percentage of those cargo profits go to the owners, the captain, first mate, and so forth ?

  49. norman728 says:

    Dinner Cruises? Does that mean the new Stewart will be named GOPHER. I just re listened and I thought I fell a sleep. But what does Gramps mean for Greta?

  50. Lars E says:

    maybe gramps is Greta,s dad?who knows.I am also regreshing with the faint hope…

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