Captain’s Share

Cover Art
A Trader’s Tale from the Golden Age of the Solar Clipper

A shuffling of cabins puts Ishmael Horatio Wang in command of the worst ship in the fleet. He learns that being Captain doesn’t make you infallible and that life in the Captain’s Cabin is filled with new kinds of challenge as he tries to keep the ship moving, the crew out of trouble, and turn a profit to earn his Captain’s Share. In a ship where the officers outnumber the crew, how can he manage to keep everybody happy? Welcome to the SC Agamemnon.

The first episode has been submitted for QC. I have some issues to resolve, but the new book is just around the corner.

UPDATE: Sept 26. If you’re following comments, or Podiobooks on Twitter, or any number of other news outlets, you know that we’ve got a release date of Sept 30. I’ve got the first episode through QC after several false starts (thank you iTunes for hiding what my ID3 tags really looked like — not) and I’m on track to have at least five episodes ready to go when the gates open.

UPDATE: Sept 29. It’s almost midnight on the East Coast of the US and already the 30th in large portions of the globe. Captain’s Share is going live in the next few minutes. I’ll get it posted to iTunes as soon as I can.


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121 Responses to Captain’s Share

  1. Hawkehunt says:

    I find the music is a hair louder than the voice, but my larger concern is that the base volume level seems to be somewhat lower than it should be – I have to make iTunes crank the track volume adjustment right up to listen to it in the car, where for most things I don’t bother tweaking it.

    I’m still loving the story, though. My whole family are waiting anxiously for each episode.

  2. Ignatz says:

    I went back and listened to the music tracks from every ‘share’ book as well as ‘South Coast’. Although the overall music levels might be slightly high (and that is only one man’s opinion) they are certainly no louder than musical tracks from other audio books to which I have listened. It strikes me that it is perhaps the nature of that particular recording (“The Mason’s Apron”) which might be the real problem for ‘Doug’. To my ears the acoustic qualities of the instrument in the recording are slightly ‘rough’ and grating, and the environment in which it was recorded, devoid of any other backing instrumentals and/or sound, seems to augment the sharp and high peaks of sound energy from the violin. The high notes from the fiddle are thus strongly in evidence to the ear… perhaps painfully to some …a question of aural contrast.

  3. Ignatz says:

    One final note: I loaded one of the “Captain’s Share” files into an audio editing program and took a look at the volume levels and then compared them to audio works by other podcasters (Sigler, Rossi, Bennett, Cottenwood and others). The actual feel and quality of your recording is very good, but Hawkehunt’s observation regarding volume is not without merit. The overall audio wave levels strike me as being on the low side. You could very easily boost the end result in your files and let the listener decide to which volume to set his/her personal audio device. (Sorry if I am droning on.)

  4. Nate says:

    Thanks, Ignatz. I agree with you on all points, especially the final level. My files *are* a bit shorter in amplitude than some others. It has to do with the processing that I do on the final files and that I’ve chosen not to use a limiter on this book. The peak recording level is normalized at -3db but I don’t press the peaks down so the whole file gets adjusted make room for the highest peak without “filling” in under it.

    Something I’ll need to think about.

  5. Doug says:

    Nate, I was listening to Captain’s Share (and enjoying it immensely) when I was prompted to make my previous comment. I’ve listened to all of the other Share podcasts too. I’ve always listened while driving, thus my need for earphones (not the ear canal variety, however). The problem might be with my ears, which is why I mentioned my age…that’s something *I* will need to think about. (groan)


  6. Diane says:

    My experience with the sound is that it isn’t the volume so much as the pitch… Nathan’s voice is a wonderful pitch. Very easy to listen to. Then the music has those higher pitches… which is what hurts my ears, especially with earphones. In each of the Share books, I’ve always turned DOWN the volume of the music for comfort’s sake. Yeah… 40+ year old ears are very annoying!

  7. Ignatz says:

    I just listened to episode 11. The story just gets better.

    Also, I note that the musical selection has been oh-so-slightly (but deftly) softened. Good work, Mr. Lowell.

  8. Doug says:

    I haven’t listened to episode 11 yet, but I have high hopes. ;-) I’d like to point out one section that illustrates my point about the sound mix: Chapter 7, minute 43:42, when the outro music kicks in. I can barely hear Nate’s final sentence, “It seemed to make more sense to me as I headed to the galley to begin cooking lunch.” It almost seems like the dialog is fading out as he continues to speak.

  9. Larksilver says:

    Let me add my excitement at the prospect of a new Trader’s Tale. When I saw the book was being released, I threw a little one-girl woohoo! party. Then when I checked the feed and saw ELEVEN episodes, I did it again! Startled the cat, sorry Sniff, but it was worth the rude look he gave me!

    Thanks for continuing to bring these delightful tales to us. I have enjoyed all of the Golden Age of the Solar Clipper novels, and have utmost confidence that this one will be no exception. And just when I have a 10-hour drive to make by myself…

  10. Scott Nicol says:

    Just made the (every other month) 10 hour drive from Michigan to New Jersey for my contract job – I remember doing fluid exchanges for myself and the vehicle and paying an outrageous $10 toll on I-80, but other than that I was happily following Ishmael around – thanks Nate!

  11. PavementPilot says:

    On a few episodes for the past series, yes the music does overpower slightly, but with younger ears, it doesnt bother me so much.

  12. Hawkehunt says:

    Nate, I was just checking for another update, and noticed that the summary of Chapter 12 doesn’t match the content. Based on the chapter listing at the end, I’d guess that Chapter 13’s summary was put there instead.

  13. Nate says:

    Yea. Punchy last night with 2 episodes in production at the same time.

    I’ve submitted the correction.

  14. Hawkehunt says:

    After seeing the summary, I’m even more impatient than usual for the chapter 13 ;)

  15. Lance says:

    More than a week and I feel guilty that I haven’t dropped by before now. I’m loving the new story, Nate, and suffer vast disappointment at the end of each episode that I have to wait for the nxt. Music between chapter breaks gives me an instant of worry it’s over already. Eagerly awaiting episode 13 right now.

    Thanks again for sharing.

  16. Joe Ego says:

    Through episode 14 today and I have two comments. 1) I’m pretty sure Ishmael had a little more “action” on spaceships than he remembers. There was definitely the cougar at the beginning of Double Share and I believe something was implied to have occurred on the Bad Penny.

    2) Damn you, Lowell, and your release schedule!!! I need my ep.15 fix nooooow!

  17. Nate says:

    1. Yea. He’s conveniently blocking those recollections while talking to his wife. If you think that’s odd, you’ve probably never been married. :)

    2. 15 and 16 are in the hopper, waiting for QC review from Podiobooks. Should be available soon.

  18. Doug says:

    Nate, will his father be showing up in Captain’s Share? (here’s hoping!)

  19. Howard says:

    Loving the new book! I had just finished up Double Share, again, and was wondering what you were up to. :) The only thing that has bothered me is the 1 person engineering department on the Agamemnon. I’m sure the chief can handle everything when it goes well, but when things go bad it would be nice to know the chief could catch a few hours sleep if needed.

    Joe – I could see him forgetting the one-night stand in Double Share, but the time with Bev on the Bad Penny I think would stick with him.

  20. Ignatz says:

    Mr. Lowell, I am SO-O-O liking how CS is developing. Will just have to listen to 13 & 14 a few more times through while waiting for 15 & 16. ;-)

  21. Nate says:

    @Doug: Yes, but Ishmael won’t recognize him.

  22. Doug says:

    Nate, thank you for that. One last question: Will you make sure that *we* recognize him? (grin)

  23. Nate says:

    You wont until he does. :)

    First person POV, ya know..

  24. Suzzie says:

    Hey Nathan!
    I’ve really been enjoying the book. I listened to each of your others several times, and was excited to hear the next installment. I remember reading something like this somewhere… do you plan on writing ‘Owner’s Share’? I can’t remember!

  25. Nate says:

    Yes. Owner’s Share will be the next/last book of the Share saga

  26. Scott says:

    If the insurance paid for transit plus the cost
    of the containers, that adds up to Evan right?
    JJ’s payment of full price, who gets what?


  27. Nate says:

    I feel like I should put a *SPOILER ALERT* banner up here, but …

    Insurance paid operating expenses.

    JP paid the freight bill as if he were the originator.

    That means the ship shows a fat profit so the crew will get shares.

    The company lawyers will probably insist that the insurance payment be returned in order to keep premiums down.

  28. Ignatz says:

    Have had the pleasure of chapters 15 – 18 and am so very pleased with the little nuances and plot twists of the story so far. The business with (and significance of) the stray bit of footware was a clever bit. Good work.

  29. Josh says:

    I think we’ve asking the wrong questions. Maybe the question shouldn’t be “will Ish recognize his Dad”, instead it should be “will Ish’s Dad recognize him?”
    Similar questions, but the devil’s in the details, especially when it comes to Nate’s writing.

  30. redwolf says:

    Does everyone know that there are threaded discussions at the Traders Tales’ forum?
    (In addition to coherent organization, it also helps keep the spoilers out of the general consumption feed.)

  31. R Mingus says:

    Yes, but you have to first be accepted to the forums to post there. Personally, a request I put in months ago and have not gotten a acceptance or refusal reply. Maybe its just me, but if not it leaves little choice but to make posts here on occasion.

  32. Nate says:

    You may have gotten swept up in the spammer patrol. If you didn’t email me with your details, it probably just fell into the bit bucket.

    I’ve emailed you at the address on this comment. Let’s see if we can get you into the forums :)

  33. Feasgar says:

    Although I have been eagerly awaiting Captains share I am only now listening to it but have gone through the first ten episodes in the last two days and loving it! I know there is only eight of a crew but can you put up a ships roster like for the Lois and Tinker? Any sketches of the ship layout would also be great!

    Love love love these books!

  34. R Mingus says:

    Got it, Thank You.
    And on another note. . .I like the music. The Mason’s Apron is fits the story perfectly. I find myself singing or whistling it softly whenever I think about Captains Share (which is a lot), or is it that I think of CS whenever the song intrudes into my mind, hmm.

  35. pratalife says:

    Hi Nate, just wanted to chime in and add my (applause) (rapture) (enjoyment) (pleasure) in the latest installment – Captain’s share. Chapter 18 and spooling…

    You have a great story-telling style (“always include the details” and “focus on the people” – together, these are a magic mix). I’m not the kind to get out my slide rule and challenge you on the viability of grav keels, but as a reader I also find your science compelling and believable (nice)! But above all, I think the stories you are telling are of the kind that address real day-to-day issues we can all relate to, and do so in such an optimistic, illustrative and exploratory way … I truly believe that in time you’ll be honoured as one of the great story-tellers (of any genre)!

    But don’t let my faint praise give you cause for self-indulgence! You’ve created an incredibly rich universe/alternate-future that just begs to be populated by many, many more stories;-) So keep it up, there’s lots to do!

  36. Joe C says:

    Nate – Couple of questions I was curious about. I started to relisten to Double Share in-between Captain Share postings. I’m hooked again :O)

    1 – Is Jen Ish’s wife the same as teh bartender in Double Share?
    2 – What happen to the Ish’s Welkie?


  37. Nate says:

    1. yes
    2. it’s in his pocket.

  38. Nigel says:

    Woo hoo!!!!!!! I just stopped by Podiobooks and discovered that Captain’s Share is out! And I’m so lucky, there are already 21 episodes!!!!!!!!!! Yes!!!

    hmm….I guess that makes me a fan.

    This is great! Thanks, Nate! What great news! I am looking forward to experiencing this.


  39. Bruce says:

    Anybody who hasn’t figured out who Ish’s dad is hasn’t been paying attention to the clues. But Nate, you’re really being a tease about this in the episodes!

  40. Russ says:

    Thank you and Happy Birthday Dr. Lowell! Tell me that there is more!

  41. Nate says:

    Thanks. There’s more. :)

  42. Peter Rudd says:

    @Bruce Ok, that was realy frustrating when you said it cause I haven’t figured it out yet. I now have an idea but I’m not sure if it fits.

  43. chuck_ says:

    @Peter I’m with you. I have always had my suspicions, and have what I think is a plausible theory but it’s all just speculation.

  44. Bruce says:

    Peter – hmm, how to help, without making it too easy? Here’s a thought – start listening to all the share books from Quarter share forward, and write down EVERYTHING you hear about Ish’s father. Then see if the clues you have available don’t narrow the field a bit.
    I’m deliberately being a bit roundabout, but I can think of many worse fates than listening to everything again!

  45. Russ says:

    As I sit here with a “cup ah”. I haven’t figured out who Ish’s father is either. And I’ve listen to them all at least twice. So as we wait all wait for the next “Share” to come out. I think I brew a pot of Dark roast, soak in the hot tub, and listen to them all once again.
    Dr. Lowell, Thank you. Now turn two! :)

  46. Peter Rudd says:

    Bruce – Thats probably the best way but then again i would have to find time to listen to them all over again. Since once I start I have trouble stopping, and now that there are 5 books out I could listen for several days straight if I didnt have school to go to.

  47. Megan Pawlak says:

    O.O have we MET him? Now that everyone’s dropping hits we should know, I think I have 2 suspicions. But >.> there’s actual CLUES? I remember in Double Share he does a search, but…….I don’t remember anything damning. Grrr! Now I HAVE to relisten to them! And not JUST because they are good and exciting.

  48. Ignatz says:

    Mr. Lowell: After twenty-two episodes my opinion is that “Captain’s Share” been the very finest continuation in the series. The extra attention to character development coupled with the intrigues of the plot have made for a most enjoyable ‘read’ (I really mean ‘listen’, but you get the idea). That there are a number of issues and characters left hanging at the end of the book is only slightly disappointing as I strongly suspect you already have a good idea of the resolutions to these to be offered up in the next book in the series. Of course, this leaves me with a literary monkey on my back. Both the monkey and I will be waiting impatiently for “Owner’s Share”. Thank you.

  49. Nate says:

    Thanks, Ig.

    It’s always been my goal to make each book better than the previous. I’m trying to write the series that gets better as it goes along and avoids the pitfalls of formulaic construction and forces me to develop as a writer along the way. So far, I’m happy with the progress, and it’s gratifying to find people agree with me. :)

  50. Rob says:

    Wait, Ig. your comment led me to believe that 22 is the last episode. that can’t be right can it. Surely there are a handful more episodes coming right….. right?

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