While You’re Waiting…

I stumbled on this book you might find interesting.

Doug Boulter hangs out on one of the writer’s forums that I frequent. I got intrigued by some of his comments and went looking for his books. Courtesan appealed to me because it’s also set in a trade-based universe (no space battles or bug eyed monsters) and his plot is very largely character driven with two of his major plots revolving around the characters (a romance plot and a sibling rivalry plot).

If you’re looking for something to read while I continue to wrestle with my next one, check it out.

(Sorry, it doesn’t appear to be on Smashwords so I’m not sure what other formats might be out there.)

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33 Responses to While You’re Waiting…

  1. TheSFReader says:

    Thanks for the recommendation ! I remember having seen it earlier, with your mention I’ve bought it.
    BTW , Discovered you through Ridan & Kindleboards, Great work.
    Started to read your 2 ebooks, and found you were a little “soft” for Ish & crew, but after had an ear at Full Share (halfway through, great podcast !), not so much anymore :)

  2. Nate says:

    It gets a little more rugged as it goes along and Ishmael gets a better handle on what he’s seeing in the world.

  3. Steve Calnek says:

    Nathan, in my short 47 years in this world I have to say that your Solar Clipper tale has given me more enjoyment than any opera that I can remember. I finished the pod cast for Owners Share last night and can’t say how disappointed I am to be at the end. I will say that I’m pissed you [redacted per Article 37] but….. fantastic tale!

    Please hurry up, this recommendation will only hold me for a bit.

  4. Barb says:

    Thanks for the recommendation. I’m half way through and liking it a lot! And it helps to pass time till Full Share is out in print.

  5. D.A. Boulter says:

    Many thanks for the shout-out. Surprised me considerably. New cover is in the works and hopefully will be uploaded by Monday. “Courtesan” should also be available on smashwords.com within the week.

  6. John H says:

    Thanks I purchased and read this in one night. Couldn’t put it down. Very good read.

  7. TheSFReader says:

    DA Boulter, I bought the Kindle version(after having sought it on smashwords), but since I own a Nook, had to convert it (Calibre does an OK job). Is there any way to get a natively epub version without having to pay a second time ?

  8. Nate says:

    I’m not sure he’s still watching the thread but I’ll make sure he gets this message, SFReader.

  9. Jan says:

    @Steve Calnek… please try to avoid posting spoilers on here, as not everyone has gotten to that part of the story yet. Thanks for ruining the last book for me. :-(

  10. Nate says:

    @jan – sorry about that. it slipped by me.

  11. TheSFReader says:

    Thanks Nate, he contacted me.

  12. Steve Calnek says:

    @Jan. I’m truly sorry Jan that certainly was not my intent. I’ll be more careful in the future,

  13. Jan says:

    All’s well that ends well I guess. I’ve re-listened to many of these podcasts in the series, and will just pretend I’m doing the same again. Nate’s narration and style makes it worthwhile, even when I have an idea of what’s to come. All is forgiven ;-)

  14. Sean says:

    Nate – an excellent recommendation, well worth the reading. Thanks for the literary methadone. I may be able to last another week or so until I need a real Solar Clipper hit… (hint, hint.)

    Don’t make us start the barbarian chants again!

  15. Jimmie D Flanagan says:

    Thanks for the heads up, it is indeed worth the read. There was a story in Astounding that took place on a Trader boat. Can’t remember the name, he was young & from LA and was killed in an auto crash shortly after publication.

  16. Jimmie D Flanagan says:

    Sorry! I find myself dredging up non facts like the above more and more as I get older. If it had been complete then it might have helped someone. As it is who is going back through all those old issues.

  17. Tom Pencek says:

    thanks for the recommendation…I just bought it and will check it out. Does he have another one in the works? I’m gonna be ready for something good next week!

  18. Nate says:

    I just read his Pelgraff and enjoyed it. Not as much as Courtesan but still pretty darn good.

  19. Tom Pencek says:

    WOW. You were right about Courtesan! Great story. I just bought Pelgraff. thanks for the tip!

  20. Val says:

    I finished with Quarter Share… already had Half Share, but I went looking for the rest. I was bummed to discover they were the only two available for my Kindle :o(
    Ereaders have to be the best thing that has come to town. I have rheumatoid arthritis and now I can hold a book again so I can read!!! I set it up and not have to worry about hold a book open or the weight! Yeah!
    So, tell all your friends… get things into E-book form, there are many of us who are patiently waiting!

  21. Nate says:

    Thanks, Val. They’re coming. Full Share should be available in print in April (that’s coming right up) and there’ll be another book in August, I think.

    Hang in. We’re rolling them to print as fast as we can and still produce good quality work.

  22. TheSFReader says:

    And in the meantime, you can listen to the books as Audiobooks …
    PS: Nate, halfway through Captain’s share, I so LIKE gerheart’s singing voice (but understand it can get annoying) … I hope you had fun recording it, because I certainly had lot listening to it :)
    And you wer right : it gets tougher later in the series…

  23. Justin Dodge says:

    ok I do not know when the web site chanded but this light brown / off white backshreen with black text is very hard to read.

  24. Nate says:

    I heard from a lot of people about how they couldn’t read my site because of the white on black, so I changed it.

    What color scheme would you like, Justin?

  25. John H says:

    No one ask me but I like the black letters on white background mostly because it is what you see in a book and I am used to that. Hard to teach old dogs new tricks. After saying that I liked the other colors you had after I got used to it. I have never liked a dark color web site, but I have built a few and the young people appear to be attracted to the darker colors. Most of the older people appear to like blues and greens more. That is purely based on my observations of the websites I have worked on.

  26. D.A. Boulter says:

    My thanks to all who have commented on my books.

    I’m about 3/4 through Half Share now and understand why you’ve been threatening to put the boots to Nate if he doesn’t hurry and get the next one out there. Very engaging narrative.

  27. Doug says:

    I’m sure you’ve heard this before, but I was quite surprised when I realized that Ish’s last name isn’t WONG, but instead, Wang. Was it ever Wong and then later you changed the spelling? I dunno, but the way I heard you say his name made me think I was hearing an “o” sound. Ears are funny things I guess.

  28. Lance says:

    Love your books – found quarter share recently through Amazon… Then rapidly went through the rest. Loved the whole series, although Article 37 was a bit of a surprise. Made me think of Asian influence, as Westerners typically don’t expect an Article 37-like ending.

    Oh, and FYI, Courtesan is now up on smashwords: https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/45733

  29. Jimmie D Flanagan says:

    OK Nate we are up to 19 March and no Odin’s Outpost? Please, withdrawal is setting in. On another subject I have to go into the Hospital fo some more slicing, dicing and hacking. I would love to take along another one of your stories. I go in sometime in April. During the last go around I found if I was listening to you I forgot about the pain. Again thanks for all the wonderful hours. Jim

  30. Nate says:

    I’m hurrying as fast as I can, Jimmie

  31. JoAnn says:

    Since my ‘book space’ is very limited I buy Kindle eBooks … I have QUARTER SHARE and HALF SHARE and am hoping that all of your books in this series eventually show up in that media format. Thanks for the enjoyment I have experienced with the two I have read so far.
    – J

  32. Nate says:

    As soon as we can, we’ll get them all up. It’s going to be a year or more *still* before I get to the end of the long line of books that are already finished.

  33. Joseph Lovegren says:

    Dear Mr. Lowell,
    I stumbled upon Captain’s Share on iTunes and was amazed with not only the story but also with how well you told the story. You are truly talented and I very much appreciate you. I have since recommended it to my friend and know he, too, will benefit as I have. I now listen to Quarter share and experience the sensation of a prequel. I will go through them all and will order the books when you offer them. For now, I listen while driving to work- and don’t mind extra traffic, also while jogging, while taking the dog for a walk, etc. Thank you, Sar!

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