
Occasionally, other Podiobook authors ask for help in promoting their titles. Since I don’t do a regular podcast, the best I can do is give them a plug here and put their promo up for you to listen to.

The Prophet of Panamindorah is from one of the “new kids” coming along in the Podiobooks block and I think she’s produced a really nice fantasy novel here. If you like fantasy, give her a try. Her reading is pretty darn good and the audio quality is certainly a step up from the average first time PodioAuthor.


Updated: Oops! Jack called me on the lack of link love for the title. I figured everybody must have Podiobooks on a bookmark at this point but for those who don’t, you can find the book at Podiobooks.

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4 Responses to Panamindorah

  1. Jack Jaffee says:

    Cool… Glad to hear about new writter. Please add links so we can click over to add there book to are lists. I look for to hearing it!

  2. Jack Jaffee says:

    I talked to a podcast talk author who brazenly said that their only three women in podcast fiction. Mur, Christiana, Pip… I know there’s a lot more and I’m glad to see more out there.

  3. Abbie says:

    Hello, Jack. Thanks for your interest! I’ve noticed the dearth of female podcasters, too. I think it’s partially due to lower voices being easier to hear and listen to. A man’s voice generally carries better over road noise, and many people listen in the car. Podcasting a novel is a huge time commitment. Usually only the author is willing to make that time commitment, so if the author doesn’t have a carrying voice, that can be a problem.

    I had this conversation with Nathan on the mentorship forums actually, and I know he thinks there are just fewer girl geeks. Maybe he’s right. :) Anyway, he was awfully helpful when I was learning to use Audacity. Vote for him in next year’s Parsecs!

  4. quandmeme says:

    thanks for passing on the recommendation. I’m enjoying it.

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