189 Responses to Full Share

  1. matthew says:

    nice art work man its lovely

  2. E says:

    Excellent!! I’ve been hoping for a third book! Then a fourth and fifth, etc. Thank you!!

  3. Walter says:

    Realy great books. Well thought out and consistant. Cant wait for Full Share and any other of your works. You have a real talent so that in your mind you can really see the people and places.

    Thanx Again

  4. Glitch_Chaos says:

    Yea! okay, when in June? I can’t wait much longer without going more insane than I already am. :)

    Keep up the excellent work!

  5. Stef says:

    Loved the first two books and will keep an eye on podiobooks.com for Full Share (and the next…and the next!) Thanks again for the regular smiles you put on my face.

  6. Hey, great books so far. Looking forward to Full Share. Hurry up and post it ;)

  7. matthew says:

    just wondering how much longer till you drop full share

  8. Ross says:

    Yeah, when in June?!? Give us a hint? Please…

  9. Geordon says:

    I’m with the other folks… When is Full Share expected to start dropping? The first two books were enthralling, in that they were space-opera, but “Everyman” focused. I can’t wait to see what Ishmael does with the trades that he’s been picking up!

  10. Nate says:

    Today is a full day of recording. I’m hoping for at least two full epis for the Sunday drop and those who’ve subscribed to the email feed might get a little present in the form of an early link :)

    Wish me luck! I’m goin’ in!

  11. Nate says:

    Between 8pm and midnight last night 10 people got an early download of episode one. Nobody has a comment?? :)

  12. Bob says:

    You mean like…… dang nab it; where is the email list?

    Ah just found it……..

    Send another send another send another :)

  13. Thanks for the sneak preview of Full Share. It has a different feel from Quarter Share and Half Share–darker. I’m glad Ish is on back with his education and career advancement. I’m confused about his personal life. His sexuality has been turned on full force and I don’t think either he or I has been prepared for this. I hope the optimistic, curious Ish will resurface.

  14. Geordon says:

    Sob! I was subscribed to the list but did not get the email. Woe is me!

  15. matthew says:

    it so rocks. you did a kick ass job

  16. Jay says:

    Is there anyway else other than podio books to get a episode. I keep checking them and don’t see anything yet. Can’t wait to hear what Ish is up to. Thanks

  17. Nate says:

    I think I missed this week’s drop.

    Try http://durandus.org/media/PB-FullShare-01.mp3

  18. Jay says:

    Thank you so much.And as always Great Job.

  19. Geordon says:

    Thanks so much for posting the link for Chapter 1 of Full Share.

    I haven’t seen it mentioned previously, but the audio quality of the first two books was great, and Chapter 1 sounds just as good. I’d also like to comment that your voice, Nathan, is delightful for the story-telling, and your enunciation is great. The whole thing sounds like a retelling of a memoir.

    Thanks for a wonderful universe and story.

  20. router explorer says:


    Thanks for posting episode one – the shakes have subsided a little ;)
    Excellent job – engaging patient-mode…

  21. quandmeme says:

    Thanks for the link, I think I’m on the mailing list but didn’t get an email. After my criticism, I had forgotten how much I like your writing and reading. Thanks, well done.

  22. Joan says:

    I was signed up for a email notification but didn’t get one and the link above is not working for me (says there is a problem with a plug-in on the page. Getting jittery – I know there’s an episode but I can’t see it! Arghhhh!

    Could you send me the link, please, Nate (Nate’s assistant)? :) Joan

  23. matthew says:

    that means is on your end. if your using firefox then you can get quicktime and install it that should fix it

  24. Joan says:

    I reinstalled quicktime but didn’t work from this link, but…. found email notification archive, and that link (which looks exactly the same!) worked just now! Gremlins? Thanks for such a quick response, Matthew! I’m off to the deep dark!

  25. Nate says:

    “Nate’s assistant”??


    You flatter me.

  26. Joan says:

    A good introductory chaper to “Full Share”, Nate! I like the way you dropped little snippits about what happened so far in the story line, as reminders to old friends and to make it stand alone for new listeners who haven’t heard the previous two books.

    I’m glad to know that Ish has some mixed feelings about the relationship issues we visited in book two. I don’t find it darker, Ish has a lot to integrate into his new life on the ship and he did get a little side-tracked from his original plans by the social scene, so it makes sense that he is reviewing his path and pondering his future. Takes me back to how I felt at 18, not quite grown-up yet, but beginning to understand the ramifications of adulthood. I felt a flutter of excitement at the mention of the academy -what a cool option that would be for Ish!

    The audio quality is terrific and your narration is still totally engaging. I’m thrilled to be back at Ish’ side, as a silent companion, living vicariously his life in the deep dark. As my daughter says, “Cool beans!”

    Once again, looking forward to hearing the next episode!
    :) Joan

  27. Joan says:

    Matthew, keep up the good work and maybe Nate will give you a raise! Ha Ha!

    :) Joan

  28. Greg says:

    My wife hasn’t heard the first two books yet, but she stole my MP3 and heard the first chapter of Full Share. She’s hooked! I was hooked after the first minute of Quarter Share! Keep up the great work! I hope you have started on the next book, I’m not sure what I will do when this saga is over!

  29. Ross says:

    I am trying to convince my fiance’s mother, who is a 8th grade school teacher, to read Quarter Share with her class. She needs a book with great character development and a sense of mild suspense. I believe this books works perfectly. She likes the audio book aspect of your work but insists the class follow along through reading and not just listening. Any idea if this would be possible?

  30. Lar says:

    Thanks so much for the advance look at Full Share! I came in to this late, but I loved both Quarter Share and Half Share.

    I have to tell you, I’m really hating the “podcast effect”. I got spoiled listening 1/4 and 1/2 pretty much straight through. This waiting for episodes thing is for the birds.

  31. Nate says:

    The podcast effect turns off a lot of people. But then there are those who love it. Myself, I see it as a new application of an old technique in serialized story telling. The advantage is that you *can* wait until the book is complete and get it all at once and listen.

  32. Sarah says:

    Is there a projected date in June for “Full Share” to hit podiobooks? How long does it take for turnaround site-side before things actually make it to the public? I check every day and so far am frustrated. :)

    waiting impatiently ;) ,

  33. Nate says:

    It’s in there. I’m just waiting for it to hit update. They’ve changed update crews and doing them more frequently but new titles need extra work.

  34. Ben says:

    Another day, still no updates at podiobooks. I think the anticipation has reached a fever pitch, I know I’m certainly foaming at the mouth.

    For a little extra fix I found the second episode at http://durandus.org/media/PB-FullShare-02.mp3

    Sorry Nate it was just too tempting to try!

    Thanks for the amazing series Nate, I’m looking forward to hearing the rest through non-link editing methods ;)

  35. matthew says:

    thanks for putting up esp 2
    its sounds real good and the music is at the right

  36. Ross says:

    How do I get Full Share episodes?!? People keep talking about ep 1, ep2… WHERE ARE THEY!!!!? Or do I have to wait for podiobooks?

  37. Nate says:

    The book’s been posted at PB as of about an hour ago.

  38. Podiobooks version was broken as of just now.

    404’s when clicking the episode lists,
    Feed is empty when subscribing.

    But it appears to only be the first two episodes either way. I’m looking forward to the next parts of the novel :)

  39. matthew says:

    ya they mess up the links its not just for full share

  40. Joe says:

    Nate – Listened to episodes 3 through 5 as soon as I downloaded. Excellent…. It is amazing how quickly they go… Keep up the good work. Thank You

  41. Greg says:

    Talk about edge of your seat suspense! I was listening to 3 through 5 while washing my truck. My wife ran outside when she heard me yelling! I was so into the story I was shouting at Ish trying to encourage him. LoL :)

    Keep up the great work!

  42. quandmeme says:

    I was trying to be so disciplined. I set podiobooks to everyother day. But episode 3 was too good. It broke my resolve to savor the episodes throughout the week–I clicked release all now and started in.

    Some really like your cover art, you might also solicit fan art. Some blogs I frequent recently solicited logo and business card redesigns from fans and got, IMHO, some great ones to choose from for free, well just for the cost of giving props. Just an idea. You’re up front about using public domain media, that may be deliberate, but it might also look amateurish in you efforts to woo a publisher. You have a fan base, I imagine many are more talented than me.

  43. Dave says:

    I really enjoyed the last three episodes (3 to 5).
    What a roller coaster 3 and 4 were, glad you didn’t make us wait a week between those – I had to re-listen to them as soon as they finished, keep it up.

    Will we be able to get these in print, I’d really like to get my hands on a copy.

  44. Ross says:

    When do we get the next batch of episodes? I expected podiobooks to update on Sunday so I could get me fix of Full Share for this week. However, there were no files. What gives?

  45. Nate says:

    There’s been three episodes in the queue there since Saturday morning. They’re a little backlogged and have people doing the updates while on family vacation even. They’ll be up as soon as PB gets them loaded. And I’ve got another already for next week’s update.

    Delays are out of my hands at this point.

  46. Peter says:

    Yea! Thanks for the update. We addicts are high maintenance! Thanks Nate.

  47. matthew says:

    Nate sorry that people are mad at you for things that are not in your hands. I must say I love how you have him help the brig crew with the labtop I total understand how he could get it

  48. Geordon says:

    Come on, Podiobooks… Manual updates to the feeds is not exactly a great way for a technically oriented media company to operate.

    Unless, of course, they QA the episodes before they post ’em.

    In any case, Nate, the fact that your listeners are so rabid for the next episode is merely a credit to the quality of your work. Great production quality along with great story.

    Wah! I want episode 6! Waaaaaaaa!!!!!!


  49. Robb Bates says:

    Hey Nate, Great series!

    Call this a bug report:

    I’m wondering how you record your book. The reason I’m asking is I listen to your podcasts using my Pocket PC with CorePlayer. When I listen using my Bluetooth Stereo Headphones, it sounds great. But when I try to listen through the PPC’s mono speaker, I can’t hear your voice. I can hear the music, but not you. I think it may have something to do with how the left and right channels are formatted. Since the dialog is naturally mono, maybe the left channel and the right channel waveforms are identical, but inverted. Thus when I listen through stereo headphones, each ear gets it’s own channel and I can hear it, but when listening through a mono speaker, the left and right channel waveforms get combined, and therefore cancelled out since they are just inverses of each other. I can kind of prove this since Coreplayer lets me output the audio as Stereo, Stereo swapped, Mono Joined, Mono Left or Mono Right. Only on Mono Left or Mono Right can I hear anything. With all the others I can barely hear a slight mumble of your voice.

    So basically, I’m hoping you can look into this and maybe tweak the method you use to record the dialog.

    Thanks and keep those episodes coming!!!


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