What Next?

With the completion of Captain’s Share yesterday, I’ve come to the end of another production cycle. My plans for the next few months include catching up with all the things I’ve pushed into the background for the last few weeks.

For those who missed the news about NaNoWriMo – the National Novel Writing Month – I’ll be participating again this year. The rules stipulate that you start a new book on November 1st and you had until the end of the month to complete 50,000 words. Mur Lafferty challenged me to finish in 15 days and I’ve set my own goal to write a complete novel (that’s 100,000 words for me) before the end of the month. Just to add a bit of spice to the effort, I’ve also been challenged to write a fantasy. So, I’ll be trying to do all this in November.

Owner’s Share will need to wait until next year and I’m looking to finish the release sometime after May 2010 so that it will be eligible for the Parsec Awards in 2011. That will be the final book in the Share series. I’m not sure if it’ll be the last book about Ishmael Wang, but it’s the end of the arc for that range of stories. I’ve planned one other story in this universe – Cape Grace – and that may have to wait for a while longer. We’ll see how things work out.

Then there’s NaNoWriMo in 2010…

At the moment, there’s no print or other text distribution deal. I’ll need to revisit Quarter Share and brush it up based on what I’ve learned from the last couple of years. In the meantime, we’ll keep plowing on. I need to do a promo for the entire universe to begin to really grow the audience. Based on conversations I’ve had with some of the promo-pros, I’m convinced that I’m missing a bet and I need to deal with that, too.

On the travel front, I’ll be in Chicago the 29th to the 31st, and in Orlando January 27-30. These are DayJob conference visits but I can usually get away for a few hours for a cuppa.

Finally, thanks for your support. If you can, please rate the books on Podiobooks.com and on iTunes Music Store. Ratings give the book visibility and help other people find it. It takes only a tick or two and makes a big difference.

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20 Responses to What Next?

  1. Joe C says:

    First of All – Thank you for the books. But also, thank you for the update. I look forward to your future works. Hopefully, there will be a boxed set of the “Share” series soon. It would be a great addition to the shelf.

    Captain”s share just broke the century mark for the # of podiobooks.com ratings. I encourage everyone to submit a rating to place it on the “Top Overall by No. of Ratings” list. At this point, the book needs to have 208 total rating to get on.

  2. PhilN says:

    Nate, first let me thank you for another wonderful book. That said, I left a rating on podiobooks.com and also went over to LibraryThing.com and added/updated the information about the series.

    I want to encourage everyone who visits here to go to LibraryThing.com, create an account (it’s free) and add the books to their library. If we can get more than the six current members to add and rate the books they will become more visible to the over 850,000 members of that site. That’s a lot of potential listeners and future fans!


  3. Scott says:


    I am loving Captains Share as I have loved all the other books in the series. Have you thought about developing stories for other charactors such as Pip et al?? I can hardly wait for Owners Share.

    Safe Voyage


  4. Nate says:

    I have, yes, but I’m holding off on committing any more titles until I’ve got the ones already earmarked done :)

  5. luke says:

    thankyou thankyou thankyou NATE :-)

    wow i have been waiting for this book out for seems like an age … and was it worth it !!!! OH YES !!!!!!
    i was on the mailing list and when you sent out that post … well i was straight onto podiobooks and adding to my rss :-) AND BEEN CHECKING EACH DAY :-) it was all worth the wait :-) i am just sorry that is now over ..
    and am waiting with eagerness for owners share :-)

    keep up the great work nate !!!
    i am off to do rating on podiobooks too :-)

    many thanks luke

  6. PawPrint says:

    Nate, I really think the universe you have created is special. It’s a sandbox I hope you choose to play in for a long time.

  7. mike carlstrom says:

    Nate, First off I have to thank you for another extremely enjoyable story. I had prepped myself by re-listening to the whole Share series (for the fourth.. no fifth time) as soon as I heard the release date for “Captain’s Share”. Then I set myself to a schedule “I would only pull an episode every third day”. Yes, that would do it, I would listen in a civilized fashion. Well, after the 4th episode, you were able to evoke tears with the simple presentation of Captains stars by Freddie. And, my “civilized” listening schedule went out the window. I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again. Your works are valid contenders right along side my other favorite authors like Heinlein, Niven, and Anderson.

  8. Doug says:

    Suggestion for Owner’s Share: I’ve *love* to see Ishmael hook up with Bev, his old flame from Quarter Share. Any chance you can bring these two together? Of course, I haven’t finished listening to Captain’s Share yet, so I might be getting ahead of myself, but I doubt it… It’s be great to see Pip again, for that matter!

  9. Nate says:

    Luke, PawPrint: Thank you – i Intend to keep playing in this universe for a long while yet.

    Thanks, Mike.

    Doug: There’s a chance – but it’s slim.

  10. Laura Z says:

    Nate, Thank you for Captain’s Share! In preparation for its release I downloaded the first 4 for my husband, his enjoyment of the series caused me to relisten to the first 4 books as well. We are now entirely caught up together and can’t wait for the last in installment. Though I think he is going to be a little put out when I tell him it won’t happen until next year ;) I was glad to note that there may be more Ish stories, I think I would be very sad if I had to let these characters go after the next book.
    I just wanted to take a moment to express my gratitude for the hours of enjoyment you have given me. Also if you are taking suggestions for hook ups, I don’t think Brill and Ish ever got the chance they deserved.

  11. Howard Hill says:

    What!?! I have to wait until next year for the last book?!? ARGH! You’re killing me here.

    Seriously though it is nice to know that you may do aditional stories with Ismael after this story arc is done. I liked te Share series more than South Coast because of Ishmael

  12. Day before NaNo! Are you psyched! I’ve got my yearly midnight countdown write-in going on in a few hours… Oh the humanity! Of course, you’ve got a bit more to write… Good luck my friend!

  13. Nate says:

    I am excited, yes.

    I’m planning on getting some sleep tonight and starting the project when I wake up in the morning. I’ve got to catch a plane in the morning and I’m looking forward to the time in the terminal and on the flight back home.

    It should be quite a fun run. :)

  14. Xenos says:

    Nate, thank you for creating this universe and sharing Ish’s story with us. I must admit than when I scoured podiobooks for my ever increasing appetite for stories, I had passed up the “Share” series more than once. :(
    When I did finally listen to Quarter Share, I was hooked and wanted more.
    Now while there are quite a few good works out there, I find myself on a never-ending loop with the series. I dont think I’ll ever tire of listening to them over and over again. I have just completed Captain’s Share and I think this one is my favorite. By the way, did Ish ever find a good tailor in Diurnia?

  15. Nate says:

    :) i’m glad you’re enjoying them. WHEN you found them is less important to me than *that* you found them. They’re easy to overlook because of the blurbs. If you just read them, they seem kinda meh. But the goal is to keep the blurbs as understated as the work. I’d hate to over sell ’em and have people be disappointed.

  16. Ken says:

    Nate, I want to thank you for a very enjoyable series of books. It is realy nice to find a writer the does not have to create supper human charaters to tell a story. I would like to say that I believe your writing has become a lot better with each book and am looking forward to other works from you.
    I would like to ask when Ish is going to figure out his father? I beleive I have but want put it down here.

    Also how is the writing going this month? Are you on track for 100k words?

  17. Nate says:

    Thanks, I think I’ve learned a few things having written well over half a million words in the last couple of years. My goal was to make each book better than the last without getting too formulaic. I’m happy with the results so far.

    Ish and his father will have a reunion in Owner’s Share. He’ll actually be working with his father, I think.

    My word count is on a widget right on the front of the blog. This evening as I call it a day, I’m sitting on 44,500 words. I’m going to have to break a NaNo rule and edit … I fell into a plot hole and need to back up to the point just before where I fell in and re-write that piece so I can find out what happens after that. Luckily, today was a bad day of writing so I don’t have that many words I need to release back into the wild. :D

    I should meet my challenge goal of 50k by the 15th and have a completed book that I can podcast in December by the end of the month.

  18. Paul says:

    Your stories have captured me. As a long time Military Science Fiction reader I was surprised that they grabbed me so tightly. Many a late night I sat with my headphones on listening to your books. I am tired now and glad that Owner’s Share is not out and I can get some sleep. :)

    As a Navy vet I can relate to your descriptions of life on board the various ships. Well done there. I remember well the “canned” announcements put out over the 1MC and I appreciated the monotiny you describ for the watch stander.

    As an aspiring writer who naturally writes plot driven stories, I am impressed with how well your stories captured me. I keep thinking about your characters when I am not listening to the podcasts. That surprises me since all they do is the kinds of things I did when I was in the Navy. Normal everyday life stuff. Not battles and end of civilization kind of stuff. Thanks. I am going to be learning more about writing characters because of your examples.

  19. CaptSuss says:

    Sar, Thank you so much for putting out such a quality story. Every turn, character, and plot brought me into your world and I enjoyed it to it’s end. Your delivery is without a doubt first class, and your touch for describing a scene is praise worthy. I have been overwhelmed with feelings of Ish being my kindred soul. His experiences and feeling are right on and your story line is first rate and right on. Being a retired boat captain, I felt some of the same feelings Ish felt and you have definitely pegged the problems and joys of being a captain of a ship. Can’t wait for more, this is a great series, and I hope you continue to play within its boundaries. Thank you.

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